Waiting for an idea to pop into my head to post, when i happend over to May Dreams Gardens and noted that the gardening sister is waiting also.
We vary diffently on what we are waiting for. She's not known as "the gardening aunt' for nothing.....
Here's what I'm waiting for.......
Someone to clean up these dishes.
Hey! I've been sick all weekend with a bad cold! Don't be too hard on me.
I'm also waiting for someone to clean out the rabbit cage.
If there was "smell-a-vision" on blogger you would get my point.
I'm waiting for the laundry fairy to come and do my laundry.
The laundry fairy did visit me once a while back.
If the gardening sister/aunt is reading this, she needs to turn her head. She would be mortified......
I really, REALLY need someone to put these pots away for the winter. After all, it is January. They've waited a long time.
I'm waiting for someone to empty the catboxes. This is one of 6 that we have. It really smells.
I'm waiting for dear daughter to wake up..... Do you think she can breathe under all those blankets?
And dear sons.......
So they can complete these LONG lists that are waiting for them.
The wait is over...it's back to reality.
All I can say is life is a waiting game. But you know what? It usually comes, eventually
Hey! The laundry Fairy was supposed to come HERE first! No really, I have like 8 loads to do. At least. And there's all the clothes from the suitcase that have to be 'fluffed' and hung-up or folded. That's okay, she didn't show up here, either.
Do you do these lists EVERY DAY for the kids? They are beautiful! Color coded even!! Wow!
What's that verse about "waiting on the Lord" Yeah, waiting on the Lord, that's what I'm doing!
Hey, I'm just sitting here waiting for you to post for today, though I did enjoy this post..the lists on clipboards make my heart flutter!! Maybe it will make my kids get theirs out again and dust them off...winging it is NOT working for them.
How are you today? I just walked in the rain.
how are you feeling?
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