Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today was a wonderful day.

Know why?

My daughter and I spent the afternoon doing one of my favorite things. We went to visit a new friend. We had never been to this family's home before, and I love that adventure in itself. But this was especially cool, because it was the home of a brand-new home school mom.

Her daughters are wonderful chicklets right smack on either side of my daughter age wise (No boys, though. Mine stayed home with Grandma). The girls had a wonderful afternoon playing, while we moms visited and talked about one of my favorite subjects - curriculum.

She was so excited to show me what she had been using, and I was excited to see it. I love fresh ideas and fresh insight. I love this process of sharing. Today, she shared with me a new website I had never visited before, (Fresh Water Fred's Lending Library) along with some other curriculum I had heard of, but not seen. We found we use some of the same books for some other subjects, and that was pretty cool - a bonding experience.

One day soon we will have her and her girls to our home, and will share with her some of our school treasures. We'll talk, look at books, drink some coffee or hot cocoa. Maybe indulge in some homemade salsa.

I look forward to these visits with my friends, old and new.

With old or new friends, it's a blessing to sneak a glimpse into someone else's world and I feel privileged that they are willing to share it with me.

Often today in our hectic world, people no longer take the time to go visiting. Hospitality is almost a lost art. We worry about what people will think about our house, our dishes, the food we serve. What if they spot some dirt? In my home, what if the dog looses it right in front of them and they step in it? (OK, sorry, get that picture out of your head).

But you know what? All people really want is a clean glass to drink from, a clean toilet to sit on, and an ear to hear them with.

That's all.

And the reward is priceless.


Laurie and company said...

Awwww, love this! how nice that you and S. got to go do this...I will be checking out this new site and hope that you will share some of your new insight with the rest of us.
And you thought u ran out of things to blog...u r funny!

Love ya!! MWAH!!

Charmaine said...

Awwwww... this is so true. We worry about all the goofy things and we don't notice them at other people's houses. Sherry, you are a great friend to visit with AND talk curriculum. :)

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you enjoyed your visit yesterday. The boys, here at home, were perfect gentlemen. Didn't hear a peep out of them. Maybe they were glad to get most of the women out of the house. Also, the day finished up with your delicious chili.

Annie in Austin said...

Sherry, this was a sweet post - reminds me of the casual and cooperative days spent with other moms and our children 30 years ago. We were not home-schoolers, but stay-at-home parents who volunteered for everything at school.

"Chicklet girls" had me laughing -

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Christine said...

Yes, people should go visiting more often. It seems all my 'company' is friends of my kids, and all they care about is if we have any food. Clean glasses, I have, but do remember, I have FOUR boys, so clean bathrooms only get a maybe.