Bad Photo Day...
Missy at Bees and BooBoos has declared Thursday as bad photo day. I think it's so that those of us who love to blog but aren't so hot in the photography department can air our dirty laundry, commiserate with one another, and hopefully forge bonds as a result of our failures.
I have so many failures, where to begin? For the sake of time, I'm only including a few that in briefly glancing through my files I was able to easily locate. It's almost 7:30 and getting close to my bedtime. (Those of you who don't know me are laughing, those of you who do know me are nodding their heads because they know I'm not kidding!) are two of my most recent photography cat - astrophies....
Missy at Bees and BooBoos has declared Thursday as bad photo day. I think it's so that those of us who love to blog but aren't so hot in the photography department can air our dirty laundry, commiserate with one another, and hopefully forge bonds as a result of our failures.
I have so many failures, where to begin? For the sake of time, I'm only including a few that in briefly glancing through my files I was able to easily locate. It's almost 7:30 and getting close to my bedtime. (Those of you who don't know me are laughing, those of you who do know me are nodding their heads because they know I'm not kidding!) are two of my most recent photography cat - astrophies....
We'll call this one "Cat-Who-Doesn't-Want-A-Bath-Moving-Too-Fast"
Let's about "Poor lighting-poor timing"
OK. And who is ignorant enough to take pictures looking into the sun?
(That would be me!)
Hi Ethan. How's your blog going? You're sister is really cute, but you can't tell it because someone thought they could take her picture from way too far away (that would be me).
I seem to have a lot of issues with lighting.....
OK. Prince Charming just pulled the plug and said "It's time!" That's code for get off the computer I'm feeling neglected and it's time for you to read to the kids....
So, thanks Missy, for giving me the opportunity to share my "photography issues". It's been great fun!