Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Smile and Pass It Along

Thank you to everyone who sent their prayers our way this morning. Here are some flowers for you along with some Big HUGS!

But I really would like you to visit my blog and smile! So, here are some pictures to brighten your day. Someone sent these to me.

I think credit goes to National Geographic (but since someone else stole these off the web first and passed them along to me, I can't be sure.... so whoever took these, thanks for maker the world a brighter place!)

Hi! Nice Day, isn't it?


I'm watching........

I don't think they'll find me here...

Uhh...Mom?! HEL - LO??!!


Smile and pass it along....


Nicky said...

I think your blog is so pretty. What a breathe of spring. Smooch. Okay, so now you know that I check your blog more than once a day. You probably can figure that I waste a great portion of my day on the interet and that I'm a big loser who should be getting other things done! So here I go to get other things done. Smooch!

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

I have always loved that monkey picture!

Thanks for reminding us to smile!

Laurie and company said...

I like when you are wedged back at your desk...you blog lots!
These pix were just the pick-me-up I needed on a bleak, Indiana day!
hope you are doing ok! sorry for waking you up earlier!!
Love and hugs comin' your way!

Christine said...

I can SO relate to the bird pic! Have you guys ever read 'Touching Spirit Bear'? It's a middle school book, but I read it and it was really, really good.

Unknown said...

Aw! Such sweet photos.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You are brave to smile now. I will smile with you tomorrow. I guess it just hit close to my heart knowing that Luna is on the edge so to speak. She is doing just fine with meds. I just know I won't have her for near as long as I had Mishka, the dog we had previously.

Jodi said...

What a beautful background for your blog! I agree with Stickers--it is perfect for those of us with spring fever!

The pictures are absolutely adorable too! Thank you!

Can I ask you where you get your reading lists for your kids?

Have a great, icy, snowy day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smiles! Your blog is fo full of energy! I should visit more often.