Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Birthday

Hi Sophie! Whatcha doing? Do you want to hang out with me? It's my birthday...Sophie? Sophia? HEY YOU - on the WII ! It's me - MOM.
Oh...never mind....

Hi Sam and Seth! Watcha doing? Wanna hang out with me? It's my birthday. Sam? Seth? HEY YOU GUYS! IT's ME! YOUR MOTHER??? Oh. Sorry. Didn't realize you were in the middle of battling the Huns.....

Hi Hunny..Whatcha doing? Hey! You! On the Nintendo DS lite! IT's YOUR WIFE! The LOVE of your life! It's my BIRTHDAY! I need some attention here! Oh. Sorry. Didn't realize you were playing Brain Age. sorry........


Carol Michel said...

You need to get a game of your own! That would show them! Wait, they might not notice...

Laurie and company said...

ha ha...that is really quite funny yet sad...I hope they dropped what they were doing so that they could lavish love and attention on their momma dear!! modern tech is really just a pain in the tukus!!

can't wait to see you tomorrow...We will celebrate your BIRTHDAY properly!!


Anonymous said...

Don't complain Sherry. How may times have we said 'Sherry Sherry SHERRY!!!!, only to be ignored because you're on the computer. What goes aroung comes aroung.