Where did summer go? With the temperature in the 70's and 80's and practically no humidity, it feels more like fall than summer. The public school kids start back up this coming week. Seems like just yesterday was the 4th of July, and the day before that it was May with all the hopes and dreams of the summer to come.
(I found these pictures in my camera...Hmmm...wonder who took them?)
It's been a good summer. A summer filled with friends.
A summer spent watching Victoria grow, and grow, and grow....along with the weeds....
A summer without too much television (yes, we really threw these away). One tv for watching, one for video games. Our new limit. That's all we need. (Maybe?)
Of course there are always computer games....
A summer of Webkinz discovery, and a summer spent with big brothers....
The last summer for our Linden tree we think. It looks very sad, don't you think? It was struck by lightening a few years back, and although it's tried really, really, hard, I think it's giving up. The Japanese beetles don't help.
It's really trying....it really is. But, Carol says these are not a good sign.
On a happier subject....Sophie spent a week babysitting the neighbors' dogs. She is in love with Sugar (and you too Sebastian....and Spunky). She spent the week on the neighbor's porch holding Sugar. She took her assignment very, very seriously..... I think Diamond has had enough of other cats, and especially dogs. We found out she's two-timing us. The neighbors on the other other side of the neighborhood assumed she was a stray because she spent so much time at their house. They named her Lucy. The other neighbors named her Leechy, and their neighbors call her Boots. It's quieter on that side of the neighborhood. No screaming children. No dogs over there. And only one other cat. I think Diamond/Lucy/Leechy/Boots is a loner at heart. She has never quite forgiven us for keeping all of her kittens. She knows where the food is though.
This poor, poor child has no cats and no dogs. The closest she has come lately is when her mother (aka Martha Stewart/aka A2) threw her and her brother a Bow-Wow Ball for their Birthday party this summer.
The whole theme of the party was Dalmatians.
The girls even made Dalmatian-themed "paws"
There was Pin the Tail on the Puppy
There were even treat bags for the dogs in the family.